If Gondolas in Indonesia Operate Upwards, Not in Venice

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Venice is a city with a seaport as its main activity. This area is recorded as the capital of two regions, a province and a city.

The two regions are Provincia Veneta (Venice Province) and Regione Veneto or the cities of the northern Italian region. Both are under the administrative management of the City of Venice.

Many Indonesians have visited the City of Venice as tourists, and it turns out that some also work as tour guides in the city.

Vicky Verdian, an Indonesian origin and resident of Milan, Italy, often takes Indonesian tourists to Venice. Vicky often shares her experiences as a tour guide on her personal Instagram account @vicverdian.

"What we know as Indonesians is a sampan or rowing boat. But in Venice, they call it a gondola. And this is the most iconic thing about the city," said Vicky, who is also a member of the Angrimbahari editorial board.

Many laypeople say that the icon of Venice is the Rialto Old Bridge which is often shown in action and drama films. But what is considered most iconic by the Venetian people is the gondola, aka longboat.

According to Vicky, before there were motorboats or speedboats, gondolas were the initial means of transportation for the people of Venice.

Since the emergence of motorboats, gondolas have now become a tourist attraction there. Gondoliers will take tourists across small bridges. This gondola is usually used as a romantic attraction for tourists who are couples.

"The rate starts from €100 to €150. If €100 means we only enjoy the gondola for 30 minutes, while the one that costs €150, we are given 50 minutes," said Vicky.

In the medieval era, Venice was the maritime center of Italy. This city was the largest seaport in Europe in the late Middle Ages, becoming a link for trade and culture between Europe and Asia.

Now, Venice is one of the unique cities in the world, where there are no cars in it. The main means of transportation in this city is by motorboat.

Venice also has a main square that is an attraction for many tourists, namely the San Marco Square. In addition to the square, Venice has an Instagrammable bridge, namely the Rialto Old Bridge.

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