A Simple Tutorial of Adjusting Image

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This article I made to answer my cousin's question. She is now living in Sydney, Australia, and here's the question :

"How does the adjusting for the image you taken?" - See the image below.

There are two adjustment I took for the image taken.

1. The first adjustment is concerning the light meter. 

My gear to taking the image is Nikon D100 and macro tele lens Tamron 70-300 mm, an old digital camera I owned ever since I was a journalist. The camera first released is 2004 and the tele lens released 2015. And I think there are almost no different between old and new camera, in a matter of light metering. So if you want to taking an image with concerning light meter by a new camera, it will be a quite same with the oldies.

And one more, my concept for the lighting is based by boys band 98 Degree's song titled "Because of You". The first lyric said, "You're the sunshine after the rain.." so I took an advantage from the sunshine after the rain.

And for how it all can be done, first of all is you have to prepare your eyes to take a peek of your viewfinder. Where is the viewfinder located? Here it is :

After you look at through the viewfinder, you'll see an indicator of the light meter (see picture below).  

You will see a digital indicator, shows a range for positive and negative signs. If the signs shows tend to positive, that means the lighting is harsh, and vice versa, negative tends means darker. After that, you have to adjust the shutter speed and the apperture. I won't explain about the shutter and apperture because I assume every photographer has this experiences. So just go with it and try your creativity.

2. The second step is adjusting the balance of picture's appropriateness. Is it still less contrast or is it needs to increase-decrease the color tones? 

Commonly many professional photographers does the software adjustment by using Adobe Photoshop. But since I am an amateur photographer, I don't use that heavy-weight software so I choose the light software called "Paint.net" a freeware software that can be search in Google. Here's the icon :

Download the Paint.net and open it. Drag your image and choose "Adjustment" menu. In the sub-menu of Adjustment you'll find "Curve" and click on it. 

There will be a graphical indicator that appears from there. See the Transfer Map menu from the graphic indicator and you'll see RGB and Luminosity bar. Then adjust it as you wish.

After finishing the adjustment, choose Save as and you have finished the all progress.

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